Admission as a Legal Practitioner

Admission as a Lawyer in the Australian Capital Territory

A person who meets the prescribed requirements may apply to the Supreme Court for admission as a lawyer.

The prescribed requirements are dealt with primarily in Part 2.3 of the Legal Profession Act 2006 and Part 3.11 of the Court Procedures Rules 2006.

From 1 July 2022 the filing fee for an admission application will be $730.00.

Any queries regarding admission should be directed to:

The Secretary of the Legal Practitioners Admission Board,
Law Courts of the Australian Capital Territory,

PO Box 1548,
Canberra City ACT 2601.
Telephone: (02) 6207 4164

Trans-Tasman Mutual Recognition

Any queries concerning Trans-Tasman mutual recognition should be directed to:

The Supreme Court Registry,
Law Courts of the Australian Capital Territory,

PO Box 1548,
Canberra City ACT 2601.
Telephone: (02) 6207 4634
